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Rewarding innovation
If your business is creating new ways of working then you could benefit from research and development tax relief. Alex Price CTA,...

Take the problem-solving pledge
The Conflict Avoidance Process is being adopted by an increasing number of bodies, but what is it exactly? And how could it benefit your...

The switched-on approach
By Stuart Clark Managing Director, Russell & Russell Chartered Accountants Is your company ready to go electric? If you’re thinking about...

A problem shared
Discover how SELECT is playing a key role in the Local Authority Forum and bring together expertise from across the country’s councils...

Getting straight to the point
We answer the most common questions about employment and the COVID-19 vaccination While it’s undoubtedly a positive step, rollout of the...

Powering through the pandemic
SELECT Member Matt Burton reveals how he’s facing the challenges of lockdown After Matt Burton’s wife announced she was pregnant in 2018,...

Cyber safety made simple
The easy ways to protect your business from hackers As businesses adapt to the ongoing pandemic, digital ways of working have become more...

A message to you from Rudi
Industry champion Professor Rudi Klein joins SELECT as a consultant First, let me say that I am delighted to be working for SELECT. Over...

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