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Learn From The Past And Look To The Future
SELECT’s December Board meeting was followed by its Past Presidents and Honorary Members lunch and I have been reflecting on just what a wonderful, if very busy, day it was. Our morning Board meeting discussed and approved the Association’s business plan for 2015 and beyond and I was struck by the value of the quiet, insightful feedback from our Past Presidents as we discussed aspects of the plan later in the afternoon. Their support for the direction of the Association is so much appreciated and a real encouragement for all the staff of SELECT to try even harder to deliver for the Scottish electrical industry.
One area the Past Presidents were particularly keen to see SELECT do more is raising awareness of the Association and its Members and the value that both deliver for the industry and Scottish society. This is indeed already a priority in the 2015 business plan, but clearly a workstream worthy of more thought.
Some of the other strategic objectives from the 2015 business plan include issues around procurement, building standards, local authorities, Member contact and communications and a range of skills matters. On the procurement front, there are significant opportunities under the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act and the Regulations that will be made under it. Much work is needed but if we get it right the benefits for the industry and Scotland could be really significant.
Substantial changes being considered to Building Standards Certification schemes deserve maximum industry support and if we are able to build on the very good working relationships with Government and local authorities much can be achieved that will be mutually beneficial.
There are also a range of initiatives planned for 2015 that will see much more opportunity for Members to learn from and network with each other and to engage more actively with SELECT. Local activities will feature prominently and the aim is to get even closer to our membership.
Many challenges and opportunities lie ahead in the skills arena. Not least, we have much work to do with the wider construction industry and with Scottish Government to position the building engineering services sector, and the electrical industry specifically, at the forefront of attracting young people into our sector. It is essential we also have in place the range and number of accredited update training and development programmes that support Members’ business needs.
These and many more specific activities will feature as SELECT strives to service Members’ needs and wants and create the business conditions that allow them to prosper and deliver excellent service to Scottish society.
If we are successful, it should mean SELECT and its Members will be better known by wider government, specifiers and the public and we will have taken at least a small step towards delivering the vision of the industry’s past leaders.
January 2015


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