Centre celebrates its quarter century

Representatives from SELECT are among the guests at special 25th birthday bash
Guests from across the industry flocked to the west of Scotland recently as the SECTT Assessment Centre threw a celebration lunch to mark its 25th anniversary. Representatives from SELECT, the SJIB, Unite the Union, Education Scotland and SQA, enjoyed an informal get-together at the centre in Cambuslang, Glasgow.

Two previous centre managers also attended. The centre – which has recently been refurbished – delivers the Final Integrated Competence Assessment (FICA) and the Advanced Competence Assessment (ACA). SELECT President Kevin Griffin took time out of his busy schedule to attend, and was among those who was impressed with the modernised centre, which he said felt created the right atmosphere for candidates.

The centre was opened in 1993 by Gavin Laird CBE, the General Secretary of the Amalgamated Engineering Electrical Union. It was therefore fitting that Pat Rafferty, the Unite Scotland Regional Secretary, attended the event, where he spoke highly of the quality training and assessment that every apprentice and adult trainee enjoys. Also present was Alastair Young, a newly-qualified electrician from Power Service Scotland, who spoke about his experience as an apprentice, and how he passed his FICA first time. Anne Galbraith, SECTT Chief Executive, said: “Twenty five years in operation is a great achievement and should be celebrated. I was delighted with the turnout and the conversation flowed.

It was a good day and I was pleased to show off the newly refurbished centre. “It can be quite daunting to sit the FICA and we want to ensure that the environment is as welcoming as possible. The Assessment Centre Manager and his team do an excellent job and very much try to calm the candidates’ nerves on the day.” Anne added: “It was also good to see Billy Parker at the event. He attended the opening in 1993 and has been a great supporter of SECTT during his 25 years as a SECTT Trustee, now retired.”