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In this together

How the CICV Forum is helping shape the return to work

As well as working tirelessly for Members, SELECT has been a driving force behind a unique collective of Scotland’s largest construction trade and professional bodies.

After setting up the Construction Industry Coronavirus (CICV) Forum in March, SELECT has, along with other member bodies, helped it share advice, gather intelligence and speak directly with government on the most pressing pandemic issues.

With a firm focus on collaborative action, the Forum has brought together 78 individuals representing 49 official bodies including government agencies, private companies, professional services firms and training organisations. As well as 22 full members, a further 27 other organisations also contribute their knowledge to seven sub-groups which help shape support on employment, health and safety, skills, commercial matters, client liaison, future planning and communications.

All told, the bodies around the CICV table represent more than 5,000 businesses and around 25,000 operatives in the Scottish construction sector and is by far and away the largest and most representative body in our industry.

SELECT Managing Director Alan Wilson chairs the Forum, with Director of Employment and Skills Fiona Harper closely involved with the Skills, Commercial and Employment sub-groups, and Director of Membership and Communications Iain Mason leading the Communications. Specifier & Client Relations Manager Yvonne Wilson also performs an invaluable role coordinating the group. Alan said: “SELECT has been proud to play its part in this unique collaboration of the biggest names in Scottish construction. The speed, willingness and efficiency with which agencies and individuals have come together in the wider interests of the industry has been truly humbling. By pooling expertise, the Forum represents the interests of Scotland’s diverse construction supply chain with one voice, pushing for positive action. Listening to the industry as well as speaking on its behalf is vital in these times.”

Since its inception, the Forum has played a major role in clarifying conflicting information and producing a wide range of practical advice to help contractors and the public navigate construction work during the pandemic.

It’s also urged the sector to ‘pay it forward’ to improve cashflow and worked closely with Construction Scotland, the Industry Leadership Forum and the Scottish Government to plan a return to work. This political liaison has seen the Forum involved in the Restarting Construction Sub-Group, chaired by Kevin Stewart MSP, Minister for Local Government, Housing and Planning.

In the most recent developments, discussions were held about the restart plan and standard operating procedure documents, with the Forum working on a series of guidance publications.

Alan said: “With the construction sector preparing for a safe restart, it’s vital that safety guidance is provided to businesses so information can be cascaded throughout the whole industry.

“It’s equally important that operatives and apprentices are properly advised and trained to ensure their safety and give them confidence, so the Forum has been working hard to provide information.”

As CABLEtalk went to press, the Forum was preparing a presentation and animation outlining measures for apprentices returning to colleges – see pages 20 and 21 for more details.

Alan added: “As we prepare for restart and recovery, collaboration is key. We can’t expect one part of the sector to bear the whole burden so everyone must work together fairly and honestly – and the CICV Forum shows it CAN be done.”


How the forum is helping

Informing and engaging An animation outlining how contractors and occupiers can protect themselves during emergency domestic work (above).

Commercial and domestic guidance Outlining safe working practices in commercial and domestic situations to help contractors during the pandemic.

Clear and practical information An overview of the potential impact of site closures, plus a step-by-step guide to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme.

Expert analysis and advice A range of recommendation papers outlining practical measures and best practice to assist the industry during restart.


How the forum is helping

Poster: Key worker on site: carrying out essential work

Keeping contractors safe A graphic defining ‘essential work’, plus site posters and stickers to help contractors carry out jobs uninterrupted.

Speaking to government Close and ongoing liaison with senior politicians to help shape the restart of Scotland’s construction sector.

Informing a wide audience

A website offering essential open-source information, with the latest updates on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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