Virtual classroom passes the test
With classrooms still shut, SELECT continues to offer an increasing range of online training courses via its virtual learning platforms
Since launching our online learning facility earlier this year, we’ve gone from strength to strength, delivering more than 40 courses to around 250 delegates across Scotland. It’s clear that there’s an appetite for this e-learning, so we will continue to run virtual classrooms to help Members develop new skills and keep them up to speed with the latest developments.
The Requirements for Electrical Installations Course (18th Edition) – also known as the 218 course – is still our most popular topic, so we have three more virtual sessions lined up for August.
Each one allows you to complete a course in the comfort of your own home, with the sessions running from 9am to 5pm.
The programme also includes a separate online course which delegates are asked to complete before the virtual classroom session. This is a great prior study learning tool and helps you navigate through the 18th Edition Regulations Book during the session itself.
In addition, we now have spaces available for our online Scottish Building Standards, ECS Health, Safety and Environment and Emergency Lighting courses, delivered, like all our e-learning, via the GoToMeetings webinar platform.
Feedback for the courses continues to be positive, and our Technical team is continuously refining the sessions to ensure Members receive an excellent online experience.
With many Members still unable to attend regular training courses, e-learning offers a good opportunity to continue learning and ensure your business is safe and compliant.
With that in mind, we’ll continue to expand our virtual offerings, refining the e-learning platform to ensure you get the very best from every session.
For information and to book your place, email or call SELECT Training on 0131 455 5577. For more information, visit

Requirements for Electrical Installations
12 August
19 August
25 August
Scottish Building Standards
25 August
ECS Health, Safety and Environment
19 August
27 August
Emergency Lighting
25 August
13 August – Glasgow
14 August – Edinburgh
13 August – Aberdeen
20 August – Glasgow
21 August – Edinburgh
18&19 August – Edinburgh
7&8 September – Edinburgh
14&15 September – Glasgow
Scottish Building Standards Update Course
The Effective Manager Programme – starting January 2021
Training First Safety Ltd – online courses, see page opposite
Construction Scotland Innovation Centre online training