All change as SELECT’s new top team revealed at this year’s AGM
It was all change at this year’s Annual General Meeting, as Members gathered to see
Alistair Grant formally hand over the reins to Mike Stark as the new President of SELECT

This year’s SELECT AGM was held on the 80th anniversary of D-Day – and Members, staff and office bearers were on manoeuvres in North Queensferry for the annual get-together.
Gathering at the Doubletree Hotel on 6 June, the event saw Mike Stark elected as the association’s new President as we welcomed new faces and paid tribute to former colleagues.
First up to the podium this year was outgoing President Alistair Grant, who welcomed guests and paid tribute to former Ayrshire Branch Chair John Lappin, who passed away earlier this year.
Alistair also provided his own snapshot of current activity in SELECT and the wider industry, delivering updates on industry challenges, the Transformation Action Plan, artificial intelligence and apprenticeships.
He told delegates: “This will be my last meeting as President and, as it comes to an end, I wish to record my appreciation of the hard work carried out by my fellow office bearers, Branch Members and staff.
“it’s important that we look forward to ensure that SELECT will continue to be around for another 125 years”
“Next year will see SELECT – or to be strictly accurate, The Electrical Contractors’ Association of Scotland – celebrate its 125th anniversary and we are planning a series of events to help mark this significant milestone.
“As we head to this hugely important moment in our history, it’s essential that we look forward to ensure that SELECT will continue to be around for another 125 years.”
Director of Finance & Resources and Association Secretary John McGhee then led Members through the annual accounts and confirmed the membership subscription and turnover levy for 2025.
Former President Donald W Orr took to the stage next, giving an overview of planned changes to the SELECT Constitution regarding the number of representatives each Branch nominates to Central Board. Under the proposals, and with effect from the Branch AGMs in 2025, each Branch will now nominate a maximum of two Central Board representatives.
Finally, it was on to the main business of the day as Mike Stark was elected as President of SELECT for the next two years, with Darren Crockett being confirmed as Vice President. Alistair was also confirmed as Immediate Past President and David Harris as Depute Vice President.
During his acceptance speech, Mike also acknowledged several representatives from his employer, OCS M&E Services, who were present to see his elevation to President.
As always, this year’s formal proceedings were followed by a technical update, with Director of Technical Services Bob Cairney providing an overview of neutral current diversion (NCD) and answering questions from the floor.
Before the AGM itself, the SELECT Central Board got together for its second quarterly meeting of the year, during which Branch representatives attended to discuss progress and priorities of the association for 2024 and beyond.
As well as the Presidential team, the attendees included Stewart Anderson, Eric Rae and Alick Smith from the Aberdeen & North East of Scotland Branch, Gordon Paterson and John Wilson (Dumfries-shire) and Graeme Anderson, Paul Erasmuson and Alasdair Noble (Edinburgh & South East Scotland).
Also in attendance were fellow office bearers David Harris and Sean Harkin (Glasgow & West of Scotland Branch), Mike Campbell (Inverness & North of Scotland), Craig McGowan and Chris Liddell (Lanarkshire) and Tony Harvey (Tayside).
Other guests included Sean Symth, Immediate Past President of the ECA, Fiona Harper, CEO of SECTT, and former Lanarkshire Branch Vice Chair Paul Smith.
Associate Members Flexel, Robus, Simpro and Aico also exhibited at the event.
Afterwards, Managing Director Alan Wilson said: “Once again, the AGM provided an excellent opportunity to meet up with so many Members and discuss the association and wider industry face-to-face.
“I would like to congratulate Mike Stark on his election and I know that he will play a key part as we continue to perform our vital role as the voice of the electrotechnical industry in Scotland.”