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All we want for Christmas

SELECT office bearers reveal their festive wishes for 2023

With Santa on his way, we asked the SELECT Presidential Team and Branch Officers what they wanted fellow Members and the wider industry to find in their stocking this year…

Alistair Grant, SELECT President

“I hope that protection of title will finally become a reality in 2023 and a bill is laid before the Scottish Parliament. I’d like to see more funding for apprentices too, as without it we’ll face a shortage of skilled workers. I’d also like material prices to stabilise across as the current fluctuating prices make an already uncertain time even more difficult.”

Mike Stark, SELECT Vice-President

“My main wish is to have protection of title for electricians in Scotland closed out once and for all. I’d also like to see the continued development of apprentices and adult trainees, who are the future of our industry.”

Stewart Anderson, Chair, Aberdeen & North East Scotland Branch

“Here’s wishing all our Members, Associate Members and their families a merry Christmas and a prosperous 2023. Let’s stay positive after a strange year in which the economic turmoil affected everyone. Here’s hoping certain issues can be resolved amicably and things get better for everyone.”

Eric Rae, Vice-Chair, Aberdeen & North East Scotland Branch

“It was great to see so many familiar faces and friends in person again in 2022, so my Christmas wish is for us all to continue to socialise and compare notes when given the opportunity to do so. I’m looking forward to Toolbox Talks already!”

Jim Cooper, Chair, Ayrshire Branch

“I hope we can look forward to a more settled time next year. Apprentice numbers are up and we need to continue to develop new people and existing operatives to meet the challenges ahead, upskilling to adapt to ever-changing technology.”

David Harris, Chair, Glasgow & West of Scotland Branch

“Along with my fellow Members, I’d like to see more youngsters stepping up to become apprentices after 2022 had one of the best intakes ever. The technology we have now is incredible and they will play a key part in creating an exciting industry that will be vital to everyone’s future.”

Kenny Berrie, Vice-Chair, Glasgow & West of Scotland Branch

“After the past few years, I’d like to see a return to a more stable working economy. Shortages of components and industry unrest has pushed equipment lead times and costs up, all of which impacts on contracting programmes.”

Ian Young, 4th Representative, Glasgow & West of Scotland Branch

‘’The past three years of uncertainty have brought further disruption to payments and the supply chain, so I’d like to see further progress to help improve cashflow and ensure we all get paid on time.”

Graeme Anderson, Chair, Edinburgh & South East Scotland Branch

“With the uncertainty and instability over the past three years, we now find ourselves out of the frying pan and into the fire as war threatens peace in Europe. My wish is for all humans to stop and reflect on how our actions affect others and the planet. If individually we made better decisions, then collectively we would create a better world.”

Craig McGowan, Chair, Lanarkshire Branch

“I’d like to see the campaign for protection of title take the final step towards reality. It’s good to see businesses busy again after the uncertainty of the last couple of years, so I hope this also continues. And finally, I wish everyone a happy and healthy year ahead.”

Gordon Paterson, Chair, Dumfries & Galloway Branch

“Despite another recession looming, life and work must go on, so let’s hope the growing support for regulation continues and that Members and their families stay safe and healthy.”

Donnie Calder, Chair, Inverness & North of Scotland Branch

“As others have said, it would be great to see our industry regulated to deter the ‘six-week wonders’ who call themselves electricians with no proper training. With the rapid advances in renewables technology, we need a competent workforce to keep everyone safe.’’

Tony Harvey, Chair, Tayside Branch

“I hope the Scottish Government finalises the process to introduce protection of title for qualified electricians and that the electrical contracting industry can get through the uncertain financial period we’re all currently experiencing.”

Keith Smith, Vice-Chair, Tayside Branch

“It was pleasing to see such a good intake of apprentices in 2022, so next year, as the industry continues to face many challenges, it’s important that we continue to welcome a high number of trainees to show that our profession is a worthwhile career.”

Graham Lyall, 3rd Representative, Tayside Branch

“I’d like to see the Scottish Government take regulation of the electrical industry seriously and push through the bill that would ensure all qualified electricians are registered and have a grade card, preventing non-qualified people carrying out electrical work.”


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