Positive progress
SECTT Training Officer reviews are changing for the better

SELECT Members may have seen a change in the way SECTT Training Officers now review apprentices and adult trainees.
The new process has come into effect after Skills Development Scotland (SDS) reduced the maximum permitted time between progress reviews from 26 weeks to 13 weeks.
Barrie McKay, SECTT Training & Development Manager, explained: “Although SECTT always conducted more reviews than were mandated, we decided to use this enforced change to reinforce our commitment to providing the highest quality of training and support for all apprentices and adult trainees.
“We will still be carrying out all progress reviews that we conducted previously. However, for the additional reviews we will be providing some additional information to ensure that all reviews are as meaningful as possible to the apprentice, adult trainee and employer.”
“for the additional reviews we will be providing some additional information to ensure that all reviews are as meaningful as possible to the apprentice, adult trainee and employer”
The changes mean that a scorecard will now be introduced in 1st Stage to evaluate the development of the apprentice and adult trainee and measure their performance against specific tasks and criteria.
Training Officers will also request that each learner completes a scorecard at specific times throughout their training.
This scorecard will track the apprentice and adult trainee from the start of their training right through to the Final Integrated Competence Assessment (FICA) and provide employers with a comprehensive overview of potential training gaps.
During the 2nd and 3rd Stages of training, information will be documented on progress reviews, including evidence from the learners’ site work, which will be documented in the Site ePortfolio. This will highlight any areas of gaps in experience.
Barrie added: “In the third year of training, the SECTT Training Officer will provide the apprentice or adult trainee with a presentation on FICA and explain what they must achieve to progress through the electrical programme.

“This will provide them with the opportunity to accumulate critical experience and knowledge.
“Upon successfully passing inspection and testing and finishing all relevant site ePortfolios during their third year of apprenticeship, apprentices and adult trainees will then become eligible to take the FICA.
“The SECTT Training Officer will then host a more in-depth presentation on FICA and ask the apprentice to discuss with their employer where any gaps in training may lie. This will allow enough time for employers to organise suitable training before taking the FICA.”
To ensure adequate preparation for the FICA, SECTT has also developed specific coursework to help apprentices and adult trainees consider potential issues.
This, combined with the ongoing Skills Scan scorecard, will allow learners and their employers to determine if they are ready for going forward to the FICA.
For further details, contact your local Training Officer.