Sharpen your skills
Our training courses have been revised to make sure you and your team stay up to date with Amendment 2 updates

The Training team has been extremely busy over the summer, going through our courses and bringing them up to date with the amended standard BS 7671:2018 +A2:2022.
With the ‘blue book’ now withdrawn, it’s vital that Member firms and their operatives are kept abreast of the changes introduced in Amendment 2, so we’ve updated our training courses accordingly.
All our BS 7671 programmes now incorporate the main changes to the IET Wiring Regulations, including the new Part 8 – Functional Requirements – and the accompanying Chapter 82 on prosumer’s low voltage electrical installations (PEIs).
Other changes introduced with Amendment 2 that are now included in our courses include:
Part 1: Scope, Object and Fundamental Principles – the introduction of Chapter 82 and PEIs.
Part 2: Definitions – the introduction of a number of new terms and definitions, including prosumer, PEIs, arc fault detection device (AFDD) and consumer unit.
Part 4: Protection for Safety – updates on protective equipotential bonding, additional requirements for socket-outlets and the supply of mobile equipment for use outdoors, TN system, protection against fire caused by electrical equipment and precautions where particular risks of fire exist.
Part 5: Selection and Erection of Equipment – changes to identification and notices and protective bonding conductors.
Part 6: Inspection and Testing – new information on initial verification, insulation resistance, protection by automatic disconnection of supply and additional protection – requirements for testing residual current devices (RCDs).
Part 7: Special Installations or Locations – updates on locations containing a bath or shower, solar photovoltaic (PV) power supply systems and electric vehicle (EV) charging installations.
Appendix 6: Model Forms for Certification and Reporting – noticeable changes including the removal of the model ‘Schedule of inspections for domestic and similar premises with up to 100A supply’.
Appendix 11: Warning and User Instruction Labels – overview of the new appendix that provides guidance for the types of safety signs, warning signs and instructions required to be applied to electrical installations.
Appendix 13: Escape Routes and Fire Protection – overview of previous content now replaced by guidance on escape routes and fire protection.
Appendix 17: Energy Efficiency – changes to the scope of the information to cover dwellings and reference to the Building Regulations, plus changes to user decisions and new design recommendations.
All our updated BS 7671 courses are credit rated and have been placed on the Scottish Credit Qualifications Framework (SCQF). This allows us to compare them to similar qualifications throughout the UK. For further information about the SCQF, go to
Inspection and Testing, including Periodic Inspection (214)
SCQF Level 7
£340 + VAT
This SQA-approved programme is recommended for all electricians who want to ensure their skills and knowledge are up to date in relation to inspection, testing and certification of both new and existing electrical installations.
The course will help delegates build their knowledge and practical skills in initial verification and periodic inspection, including knowledge of certification and reporting, and includes practical hands-on use of test instruments.
It will also help delegates gain an understanding of the requirements contained in the latest version of BS 7671:2018 +A2:2022 in relation to this type of work.
The course is made up of two training days:
Part one: Initial Verification – this one-day course includes instruction on inspection and testing of new installations, interpretation of results and completing a schedule of inspections and schedule of test results.
Part two: Periodic Inspection and Testing – this includes the requirements for carrying out periodic inspection and testing, including completion of the Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR), plus completion of a case study and use of test board simulators to measure transient readings and interpret results.
The course costs £340 + VAT per SELECT Member, which includes assessments and an SQA certificate.
NOTE: Delegates MUST spend at least four hours studying the two sets of course notes provided beforehand. A hard copy of these notes will also be provided on the morning of the course. There are assessments throughout both days, consisting of a mix of practical exercises and multiple-choice questions. Part one must be completed before delegates can attend part two. Candidates must successfully complete BOTH parts of the course before we can apply for an SQA certificate.
Requirements for Electrical Installations (218)
Virtual or in-person
SCQF Level 7
From £190 + VAT
This SQA-approved training programme has been designed for qualified electricians looking to update their BS 7671 training and can be done virtually or in-person.
The course is suitable for electricians who are responsible for ensuring that electrical installations are installed and commissioned in accordance with current requirements and is also suitable for those applying for their ECS gold card. It does not cover the detailed requirements for inspection and testing of new or existing installations.
The programme is made up of two parts:
Short online introduction – this aims to ensure that delegates can successfully navigate and find key information from BS 7671. It takes around five hours to complete and can be done in stages.
One-day course – this covers a range of topics, including fundamental principles, selection and erection of equipment, and inspection and testing. There are assessments at various points, comprising workbook exercises and multiple-choice questions.
This course is delivered as either a virtual classroom course, which costs £190 + VAT per SELECT Member, or a classroom course which is £210 + VAT per SELECT Member. Both prices include assessments and an SQA certificate.
NOTE: To complete this course, candidates will need access to BS 7671:2018 +A2:2022, AKA ‘the brown book’. We recommend completing the online introduction first. Candidates must successfully complete BOTH parts of the course before we can apply for an SQA certificate.
Initial Verification (209)
Virtual and in-person
SCQF Level 7
£210 + VAT
This SQA-approved training programme has been designed for qualified electricians who want to ensure their skills and knowledge are up to date in relation to inspection, testing and certification of new electrical installations, including additions and alterations.
It is suitable for those who require knowledge of the initial verification process and requirements for certification, with participants gaining practical hands-on experience in the use of test instruments.
This course is made up of two separate parts:
Short online introduction – this aims to ensure that delegates can successfully navigate and find key information from BS 7671. It takes around five hours to complete and can be done on a PC, laptop or iPad.
One-day course – this is split into morning and afternoon sessions, which cover issues such as inspection and testing of new installations, interpretation of results, completing a schedule of inspections and a review of the updated certification requirements in Amendment 2. There are assessments throughout the day, consisting of practical exercises and multiple-choice questions.
The course costs £210 + VAT per SELECT Member, which includes assessments and an SQA certificate.
NOTE: To complete this course, candidates will need access to BS 7671:2018 +A2:2022, AKA ‘the brown book’. Candidates must successfully complete BOTH parts of the course before we can apply for an SQA certificate. We recommend completing the online introduction first. Delegates MUST spend at least four hours studying the course notes beforehand. A hard copy of these notes will also be provided on the morning of the course. This course focuses only on the requirements for new installations, alterations and additions. If you’re interested in periodic inspection, SELECT course 214 is more suitable.
Coming soon: Requirements for Electrical Installations (e-learning)
SCQF Level 7
£150 + VAT
After positive feedback about our online training, we will be launching this convenient e-learning option.
This module will cover the same content as the 218 course (page 49), but can be completed at the delegate’s leisure, i.e. at evenings or weekends.
The programme will cost £150 + VAT per SELECT Member, which includes assessments and an SQA certificate.
NOTE: This course must be completed within a month of booking.
More information
To enquire about SELECT’s range of training courses, please call 0131 445 5577 or email