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Talent of Tomorrow

Meet apprentice Scott Murdoch

Hi Scott, what made you think of becoming an electrician?

I wanted to become an electrician because I wanted a practical career but also one that required thought. I got the opportunity to do work experience in the industry while I was still at school and found it very interesting, and this helped me make my decision on my future career path.

Was it difficult to get an apprenticeship?

I managed to gain an apprenticeship with the company that I had work experience with. However, after my first year I moved companies which has allowed me to see a vast variety of electrical systems.

How have you found it?

It’s been very enjoyable and interesting, particularly because of the variety of work that we carry out.

Was the college training what you were expecting?

At college there was a lot more theoretical work than I was expecting. But through the help and advice from both the lecturers at college and the electricians at work, I was able to achieve good results which have provided me with more opportunities off the back of that.

And what about working on site?

I found that if you understood the work in college in a work booth environment and the basic principles that you are taught, this can then be applied on jobs at work. The two go hand in hand – gaining experience on site helps you at college and understanding what’s taught at college helps you on site.

Has there been anything about the job that’s surprised you?

The main thing that’s surprised me is the variety of work that I have had the opportunity to see and be part of. For example, domestic housing, farms, schools and renewables.

How helpful have the Scottish Electrical Training Trust (SECTT) and your training officers been during your journey?

SECTT has been very helpful throughout my apprenticeship. The help from my training officer, lecturers at college and everyone at work has ensured that my apprenticeship has been straightforward and rewarding.

This is all due to the guidance I have received.

What does the future hold?

I want to continue working and gain more and more experience installing different wiring systems so that I can keep improving my knowledge and developing my understanding of the industry.


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