Training goes global
The reach of our digital classroom has spread far and wide over the past few months, with delegates now tuning in from around the world to keep up to speed with our courses

If COVID-19 has seen one major development, it’s been the rise of digital meetings and online business – and our training courses have been no different.
With lessons in physical classrooms currently not possible, many of our most popular courses have moved to the internet, with the subsequent e-learning sessions becoming a vital resource for Members living and working outside Scotland.
Training Manager Jenny Cryans revealed the team has received requests for remote learning from all four corners of the globe, with Members logging in to our special GoToTraining classroom to take part in courses delivered by our Technical Advisers.
“Being able to take these courses from the comfort of their own home has made it easier for delegates and has been much appreciated”
She said: “Over the past nine months, we’ve seen a rise in people working overseas who want to join our online training and enjoy the freedom and flexibility of the virtual classroom.
“The 218 course in Requirements for Electrical Installations has proved particularly popular, with several Scottish electricians phoning from abroad to arrange a virtual module.
“We had a delegate complete his 18th Edition course from Switzerland, where he was isolating before starting a job out there. We also organised for a delegate to connect in from his holiday home in Spain, where he was staying during lockdown, and we’ve had someone tune in from the Canary Islands who said his internet connection was better there than in the UK!”
Training Administrator Fiona Robertson added: “Last month I spoke to a delegate in Russia who wanted to arrange an 18th Edition course, as well as a worker on a rig off the coast of Mexico who was enquiring about a virtual session in November.
“I asked the delegate in Mexico if he was enjoying good weather and he said a hurricane was coming towards them! But it just shows that, no matter how far our people may be going for work, they’re still thinking of SELECT and contacting us to arrange their training.”
So far, SELECT has delivered 101 online courses since lockdown started on 23 March, with 587 delegates trained via the SELECT e-classroom.
As well as delegates in foreign countries, the virtual classroom has been eagerly embraced by electrical professionals who may have recently returned to Scotland and require an update to their knowledge.
Fiona added: “Throughout the pandemic, we’ve had a lot of calls from people who have been working away on the rigs for ten years or more and have now had to come home because of COVID-19.
“Some have seen their grade cards lapse so have been in touch with the Scottish Joint Industry Board (SJIB) for advice, and we’ve then organised the training required.
“Not having to travel and being able to take these courses from the comfort of their own home has made it easier for them and has been much appreciated.”
Fiona added: “We had one delegate who had been away for 15 years and contacted us as he was worried about trying to get back to work. His main concern was getting his 18th Edition BS 7671 qualification, so we arranged for him to take our online course.
“He said the course was well executed and it was great to get his results back so soon, and also thanked everyone at SELECT for getting it all organised at short notice.
“Hearing feedback like that is excellent and it’s good to know we’re helping delegates with whatever training they need, wherever they may be in the world.”
To find out more about SELECT training, email call 0131 445 5577 or go to

Current online SELECT courses
Requirements for Electrical Installations (course number 218)
Scottish Building Standards (216)
Scottish Building Standards Update (408)
ECS Health, Safety and Environmental (102)
Emergency Lighting (221)
Emergency Lighting Seminar
Safe Isolation (217)